Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Oklahoma AD Joe Castiglione says OU wouldn't have recruited Dorial Green-Beckham now

When Oklahoma announced it was adding Dorial Green-Beckham to its roster, just three months after Missouri had kicked him of its squad for multiple run-ins with the law, it raised some eyebrows.

The final straw for Missouri was a police report that said Green-Beckham had forced his way into his girlfriend’s home and pushed her roommate down four stairs. The report also said Green-Beckham dragged his girlfriend out of the apartment by her neck.

No charges were ever filed because the roommate feared backlash and the girlfriend was uncooperative. But it was enough for Missouri to cut ties.

It wasn’t, however, a deal breaker for Oklahoma at the time, but in light of the situation involving former NFL running back Ray Rice and his domestic abuse issues, Oklahoma athletic director Joe Castiglione told Sports illustrated that his university probably would not have allowed Green-Beckham to join its roster if he had tried to transfer now.

“If someone presented a case like that now, I think you would be fair to say that he probably wouldn’t be at Oklahoma,” Castiglione said. “Just because of the attention and the cases now in the public consciousness, the university would have been unlikely to take on a situation like that.”

Castiglione also noted that the school does not regret adding Green-Beckham to its roster, so not sure how much those comments to Sports Illustrated are worth at this point. I mean, this is a school that tried to get Green-Beckman immediate eligibility from the NCAA by claiming that he was unfairly released from Missouri since he was never charged with a crime. And while that incident is the one that’s highlighted, it’s important to note that Green-Beckham had two prior run-ins with the law because of drug possession. So, it’s not like Castiglione is sticking up for a model citizen that made one mistake. There’s a pattern of bad behavior that was ignored by Oklahoma, which claimed Green-Beckham needed a second chance. Actually, this would be his fourth chance, but whatever.

Oklahoma did suspend freshman running back Joe Mixon for the season while he’s being investigated for punching a woman and breaking four bones in her face during an altercation at a restaurant prior to the school year. That was the right move.

However, Oklahoma’s stance on Green-Beckham is ridiculous. Domestic abuse is domestic abuse and it shouldn’t take a video of it hitting TMZ for people to finally gain a conscience about it.

For more Oklahoma news, visit SoonerScoop.com.

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Graham Watson is the editor of Dr. Saturday on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email her at dr.saturday@ymail.com or follow her on Twitter! Follow @YahooDrSaturday

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From Dr. Saturday - NCAAF - Yahoo Sports - Oklahoma AD Joe Castiglione says OU wouldn't have recruited Dorial Green-Beckham now

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