Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Arkansas State player pretended to die during bad fake punt attempt at Miami (GIF)

Our guess is that this fake punt play is a one-and-done for Arkansas State.

In the second quarter of the Red Wolves' loss to Miami on Saturday, ASU went for a fake punt. Not only did the play not get the desired result, but Arkansas State's Booker Mays pretended he had died to try to fake out the defender in front of him.

It did not work. However, we're not sure what "works" would mean in this context. Make the defender yell to his teammates for help? Hope all 11 Miami players saw it and stopped playing? Make us all laugh uproariously after the play happens? (If it's the final option, yes, it did work.)

Mays' role wasn't integral to the outcome of the play, though it was by far the most entertaining part of it unless you're a Miami fan. Arkansas State punter Luke Ferguson tossed a, uh, vastly underthrown pass into double coverage. It was intercepted.

When ASU tried the fake, the score was 20-7. The turnover led to a Miami touchdown and a 27-7 lead. The Hurricanes eventually won 41-20. We'll be stunned if this is ever tried again, though the special teams coaches of the teams on Arkansas State's future schedule must be prepared.

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Nick Bromberg is the assistant editor of Dr. Saturday on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at nickbromberg@yahoo.com or follow him on Twitter!

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From Dr. Saturday - NCAAF - Yahoo Sports - Arkansas State player pretended to die during bad fake punt attempt at Miami (GIF)

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