Friday, September 12, 2014

Wagner College coach changes date of game for daughter's wedding

What would you do to be at your child's wedding? Wagner College coach Walt Hameline moved one of his team's football games.

As you can imagine, football coaches aren't too keen on fall weddings. Dates were scarce at the venue Hameline's daughter Kelly wanted to have the wedding at. So with limited options available, she chose September 20.

"How can you do this?" Hameline told the AP when asked of what he told her when informed of the date. "What are you thinking about? It's football season. Ever since she was a baby she went to every football game."

Kelly is 28. Walt has been the coach at Wagner, an FCS school, for 34 years and also serves as the school's athletic director. However, Hameline said there were only one or two dates at the venue. So he went about trying to fix his team's schedule.

"There's always been a golden rule in our family," Walt Hameline said. "Once football season starts, my wife, my family, they go to the games and we do nothing else."

That had to change for the wedding. Sure, the likely alternative would have been for Hameline to miss the game that day to be in attendance. But Wagner was scheduled to play Monmouth on September 20 and thankfully, Hameline had become friends with Monmouth coach Kevin Callahan.

Wagner had an open date on September 13 and as Callahan was building his team's schedule, he was able to push the game up a week, meaning Hameline will be able to coach the game and be at Kelly's wedding.

The incompatibility was averted, and as all parents know, a set schedule isn't too set when it comes to children. Though scheduling conflicts like this don't happen too often.

"We had the flexibility to make it work. I was more than happy to do it," Callahan said.

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Nick Bromberg is the assistant editor of Dr. Saturday on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at or follow him on Twitter!

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From Dr. Saturday - NCAAF - Yahoo Sports - Wagner College coach changes date of game for daughter's wedding

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