Monday, September 1, 2014

VOD: Johnny Manziel, action figures and a disapproving Charles Woodson

Today’s Video of the Day came out at the end of last week, but we waited to post so it didn’t get buried by all the college football games.

And we wanted people to see it.

Johnny Manziel might have moved on to the NFL, but it seems like he’s never really gone from the college game.

Manziel is featured in a Nissan Heisman House commercial as an action figure that beats fellow Heisman winner Charles Woodson and then taunts him afterward.

The view changes and we see Manziel playing with figurines while Woodson watches disapprovingly. Woodson takes the Manziel action figure, tosses it out the window and George Rogers runs over it with a car, which leads to sad Manziel.

The Nissan Heisman House has a lot of commercials, but this one is by far the funniest. With this and the Snickers commercial, Manziel might have a future in acting if the whole NFL quarterbacking thing doesn’t work out.

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Graham Watson is the editor of Dr. Saturday on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email her at or follow her on Twitter! Follow @YahooDrSaturday

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From Dr. Saturday - NCAAF - Yahoo Sports - VOD: Johnny Manziel, action figures and a disapproving Charles Woodson

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