Friday, August 8, 2014

Steve Spurrier dancing? Steve Spurrier dancing (Video)

Is there anything Steve Spurrier can’t do?

He can take subtle and not-so-subtle shots as his opponents, he can work out shirtless, he can coach shirtless, he can drink beer… shirtless.

And now, apparently, he can dance like the wild man we always thought him to be.

Man, was I lucky to have my camera on Coach Spurrier #gamecocks

— Jeff Tyner (@JeffTynerGC) August 8, 2014

Is that the salsa, he’s doing or is it just, “The Spurrier?” The only thing we're missing here is Spurrier being shirtless.

Either way, it’s fantastic and yes, Jeff Tyner, you were lucky to have your camera on so you could share this dancing gem with the world.

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Graham Watson is the editor of Dr. Saturday on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email her at or follow her on Twitter! Follow @YahooDrSaturday

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From Dr. Saturday - NCAAF - Yahoo Sports - Steve Spurrier dancing? Steve Spurrier dancing (Video)

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