Saturday, November 15, 2014

Nebraska fan cited after trying (and failing) to jump over moving cab

Saturday afternoon’s game between Nebraska and Wisconsin may decide the Big Ten’s west division, so fans are pretty fired up. One Nebraska fan, who traveled all the way to Madison, was a little too fired up Friday night.

According to the Wisconsin State-Journal, Bryce Consbruck, a 22-year-old Nebraska fan, was cited for “Sudden Pedestrian Movement” early Saturday morning after “attempting to jump over a moving taxi” shortly after 2 a.m.

Consbruck’s attempted acrobatics did not go well. He missed and sustained facial injuries. Consbruck, who was described as intoxicated, was taken to a local hospital.

The wackiness doesn’t end there. After being cited, officers said Consbruck went on an “expletive laden statement” where he “expressed his desire for the Cornhuskers to defeat the Badgers.”

He also promised to officers that he would “never try and jump over a moving car again.” That’s probably a wise idea, Bryce.

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From Dr. Saturday - NCAAF - Yahoo Sports - Nebraska fan cited after trying (and failing) to jump over moving cab

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