Thursday, September 25, 2014

UCLA marked its territory on Arizona State's midfield logo (Photos)

In case Arizona State wasn't sure who its opponent was Thursday night, UCLA wanted to remind the Sun Devils.

As Bruin players were on the field for pregame warmups, "UCLA" got scratched into the middle stake of the ASU trident logo at midfield.

#UCLA leaving its mark on the fork this afternoon in Tempe:

— Edward Lewis (@EdwardLewisBSR) September 26, 2014

Naturally, Arizona State didn't take too kindly to the graffiti and repainted over the markings.

This dude in the yellow is repainting the fork, getting rid of the #UCLA mark:

— Edward Lewis (@EdwardLewisBSR) September 26, 2014

And then, of course, someone got to guard the logo after it was repainted to make sure that it wasn't defaced again.

This unhappy guy has been assigned the task of guarding the fork for the rest of this pregame:

— Edward Lewis (@EdwardLewisBSR) September 26, 2014

It's Arizona State's blackout game, so the black paint on the field made any markings on it rather visible. And while we don't condone vandalism, this harmless fun in this instance made us chuckle. Well done, UCLA. It's a good way to get under the Sun Devils' skin, though it'll mean more if UCLA wins.

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Nick Bromberg is the assistant editor of Dr. Saturday on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at or follow him on Twitter!

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From Dr. Saturday - NCAAF - Yahoo Sports - UCLA marked its territory on Arizona State's midfield logo (Photos)

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