Wednesday, September 17, 2014

FSU coach Jimbo Fisher still mulling punishment for Jameis Winston

Florida state coach Jimbo Fisher said he was disappointed in starting quarterback Jameis Winston after he shouted a sexually explicit phrase in the middle of the student union on Tuesday.

Fisher, who was asked about the incident on the ACC teleconference, said he spoke to Winston, but has not decided what if any punishment would be taken.

“Yes, everything has been addressed and we’re getting ready for the game," Fisher said. "We're deciding (on punishment) and talking as things go on right now."

No. 1 Florida State plays ACC rival No. 22 Clemson this weekend in a game that likely will determine the ACC Atlantic Division.

Deadspin was the first to report Tuesday’s incident as an array of tweets started popping up saying Winston had stood on a table and yelled an obscene phrase to the crowd. While the phrase cannot be repeated because it is incredibly crass, it is actually a meme that was created earlier this year and people have shouted it during live newscasts.

Fisher was asked whether he was frustrated by his Heisman Trophy winner’s behavior and he said: "You don't ever want any kind of instances, but we have to keep learning and educating. But we have to make better decisions, we have to make good decisions on things. And we’ll try to continue to do that. And try to educate.”

This is just the latest incident in Winston’s sordid and childish tenure at Florida State. Last year, Winston was accused of sexually assaulting a female student and he remains the subject of an ongoing Title IX matter regarding the same alleged victim. In April, he was caught stealing crab legs from a local grocery store. He also was involved in a BB gun fight that resulted in thousands of dollars worth of damage to an apartment complex and he was caught stealing soda from a Burger King.

Yet through all of this, Winston, who is arguably the best player in the country, has never faced a suspension. He’s never missed a game, never missed a down. His behavior continues to go unchecked in the public eye and is often dismissed as childish pranks. And that would be all well and good if he wasn’t the face of the university, a Heisman Trophy winner and if there wasn’t a pattern of habitual bad behavior. There’s an arrogance to this that comes from being given passes by everyone from the authority figures at Florida State to his father to even the commenters on Dr. Saturday’s various social media platforms and the comments at the bottom of every Winston story.

Those who enable Winston’s immature, insensitive and damaging behavior are just as guilty in allowing it to perpetuate. Winston will never mature as long as his ability on the field outweighs his liability off of it.

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Graham Watson is the editor of Dr. Saturday on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email her at or follow her on Twitter! Follow @YahooDrSaturday

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From Dr. Saturday - NCAAF - Yahoo Sports - FSU coach Jimbo Fisher still mulling punishment for Jameis Winston

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