Monday, December 22, 2014

WKU and CMU players swim with dolphins at Bahamas Bowl (Video)

A few days before the inaugural Bahamas Bowl on Christmas Eve, the players and coaches from Western Kentucky and Central Michigan got a chance to take in what the tropical paradise has to offer.

After taking in the sights, a few players from each team got in the water and got up close and personal with some dolphins. The players were admittedly nervous, but with the dolphin trainers close by, they quickly got more comfortable.

One player in particular, Central Michigan tight end Deon Butler, looks like he had a really good time with his new dolphin friend.

We already got a glimpse earlier this month of how excited the CMU players were to play in the Bahamas. This brings that all to fruition.

The game, played at Thomas A. Robinson Stadium in Nassau – the capital city of the Bahamas – will kick off at noon on Wednesday. Both teams are 7-5.

For more Western Kentucky news,

For more Central Michigan news, visit

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Sam Cooper is a contributor for the Yahoo Sports blogs. Have a tip? Email him or follow him on Twitter!

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From Dr. Saturday - NCAAF - Yahoo Sports - WKU and CMU players swim with dolphins at Bahamas Bowl (Video)

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