Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Missisippi State's coaches had a party and dressed up as movie characters (Photos)

Welcome to our Dr. Saturday feature titled "Random offseason tweet of the day." With real games still weeks away, coaches and players will be tweeting about non-football-related things as the season approaches. In this space, we'll try to find the funniest and goofiest tweets of the day. If you see something, don't hesitate to send it to us.

Ever dreamed of seeing Mississippi State coach Dan Mullen dressed up as Carl Spackler from "Caddyshack?" This is the best Tuesday of your life.

Mississippi State's coaches had a staff party and dressed up as movie characters. While Mullen was Spackler, his wife Megan was Lacey Underall from the movie.

Carl Spackler and Lacey Underall at the party. http://ift.tt/1oFW6JT

— Dan Mullen™ (@CoachDanMullen) July 29, 2014

Anyone else wonder what Mullen used to replicate the stain on Spackler's shirt? Defensive coordinator Geoff Collins went the Fever Pitch route.

Ben and Lindsay. #FeverPitch @CoachCollins http://ift.tt/1nQYcr8

— Dan Mullen™ (@CoachDanMullen) July 29, 2014

While recruiting coordinator Tony Hughes was James Brown.

James Brown made it to the staff party. @coachtonyhughes http://ift.tt/1qgpcgN

— Dan Mullen™ (@CoachDanMullen) July 29, 2014

Here's the entire crew. It looks like Joe Dirt was there too along with Indiana Jones and a member of the Trailer Park Boys.

Everyone dressed as a summer movie character http://ift.tt/1qgp9Si

— Dan Mullen™ (@CoachDanMullen) July 29, 2014

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Nick Bromberg is the assistant editor of Dr. Saturday on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at nickbromberg@yahoo.com or follow him on Twitter!

Follow @NickBromberg

From Dr. Saturday - NCAAF - Yahoo Sports - Missisippi State's coaches had a party and dressed up as movie characters (Photos)

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